
After Eid holidays, Bank Sampoerna Conducted a Genose Test for Employees Who Work from the Office

24 May 2021 | News
After Eid holidays, Bank Sampoerna Conducted a Genose Test for Employees Who Work from the Office

Jakarta – After the long Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H holiday, offices have started to become active again. Various efforts have been made to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, one of which is by holding a Genose test for employees who work from the office. The test was done to provide a sense of calm and security to employees while working that they and their surroundings are in good health with no indication of the COVID 19 virus.

This Genose test was held in 17-21 May, 2021 to accommodate the WFO schedule of more than 300 Bank Sampoerna head office’s employees, including the Board of Management who take part in this activity. As a part of management’s concern, the Genose test was selected because it was easy to implement and relatively affordable. . Based on references, the Genose test as a screening tool can detect the presence or absence of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) that is formed due to the COVID-19 infection that comes out with the breath, with an accuracy rate of 97%. For employees with a negative test result, they can continue to work from office, but for those who are positive, they have to immediately take the follow-up COVID-19 test and are asked to do self-quarantine or work from home.

Chief of Human Capital, Adriana Riani Novitasari said, “the company always strives to create a comfortable and safe work environment for employees to work on a WFO basis. During the period of joint leave and the Eid al-Fitr 1442H national holiday, the company has also issued a policy as a guide for employees and their families to refrain from traveling and spend time together at home or through virtual meeting during the pandemic. Even though there are currently ongoing vaccination programs for certain groups in society, employees are advised not to be careless and always comply with health protocols, including orderly wearing masks, maintaining distance or physical distancing, washing hands frequently, and using hand sanitizers. Protection of ourselves and our families is part of our mutual concern to protect the safety of those we respect and care for. ”

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