
Newsletter of Hati Saving December 2023 Period

24 January 2024 | News
Newsletter of Hati Saving December 2023 Period

Dear Hati Saving Customers,

As stated in the previous edition of the newsletter, Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna) collaborates with Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation (YPAC) Jakarta and Sayap Ibu Foundation Jakarta Branch (YSI) to distribute Hati Saving donations. Donations distributed during the October-December 2023 period amounted to Rp72,602,008, with each foundation receiving Rp36,301,004.

YPAC and YSI routinely provide physiotherapy services to children with special needs and those with cerebral palsy, as well as provide other multi-therapy treatments for those with speech and global delay development.

Bank Sampoerna would like to thank all Hati Saving customers who have always faithfully saved their funds in Hati Saving and donated a portion of the interest to people in need. Hopefully, these two foundations will be a source of goodness and benefit for all involved.

Hati Saving #ShareWithOthers

Smiles of Hope from Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation (YPAC) Jakarta

Name : Sean Oktarisman Wau
Gender : Laki-Laki
Description of illness : Cerebral Palsy

Sean Oktarisman Wau, aka Sean, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This issue impairs Sean's speech-motor skills because his oral motor muscles stiffen, making it harder for him to enunciate words. In addition, his cerebral palsy condition causes muscle stiffness to persist if he doesn't receive therapy.

Sean's age of 17 is one of the obstacles to developing his oral motor muscle training. The older he gets, the more difficult it is to relax the muscles in his body.

Name : Baby Nur Saffa
Gender : Perempuan
Description of illness : Cerebral Palsy Diplegia

Baby Nur Saffa, a student at SLB D-D1 YPAC Jakarta, has cerebral palsy diplegia and lower body stiffness. Baby has trouble sitting independently, so she has to do things while lying down. Baby's legs are bent inward and have experienced deformity. The deformity is a postural condition that cannot be cured. It can only be avoided from worsening by using special molded Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) tools.

Smiles of Hope from Sayap Ibu Foundation (YSI) Jakarta Branch

Name : Muhammad Azzam
Gender : Laki-Laki
Description of illness : Cleft Lip and Global Delay Development

Azzam has been treated at the Sayap Ibu Jakarta since he was six months old, suffering from malnutrition and cleft lip. The services supplied to Azzam are primarily concerned with fulfilling his nutritional needs to increase his weight. At 8 months, Azzam had his first cleft lip surgery at Siloam Karawaci Hospital. Azzam also received twice-weekly physiotherapy at the Integrated Therapy Community Services (LMT2) Sayap Ibu Jakarta Branch due to mobility and physical activity delays, such as sitting and crawling.

Name : Bintang Ramadhan
Gender : Laki-Laki
Description of illness : Speech Delay

Bintang has lived at Sayap Ibu Jakarta Orphanage since April 23, 2022. He experiences delays in speaking, so he needs rigorous attention and therapy. Therapies carried out include occupational therapy, sensory integration, and speech therapy. After receiving intensive treatment, Bintang began to be able to respond and speak a few words.

Simulation of Interest Calculation and Hati Saving Donations

Balance of Savings % Interest p.a.* % Donation p.a.** NInterest Amount per month*** Donation Amount per month
Rp10,000,000 0.50% 2.50% Rp3,288 Rp20,548
Rp50,000,000 0.50% 2.50% Rp16,438 Rp102,740
Rp100,000,000 1.25% 2.50% Rp82,192 Rp205,479
Rp500,000,000 >1.25% 2.50% Rp410,959 Rp1,027,397
*The simulation was made based on the interest rate that has been effective since May 22, 2023
**Effective interest rates per annum, subject to change at any time
***Net of income tax


Hati Saving Interest Rates*

Tiering Total Interest % Interest p.a. % Donation p.a.
Rp500thousand - 100million 3.00% 0.50% 2.50%
≥Rp100million 3.75% 1.25% 2.50%
*Interest rates effective on May 22, 2023, it may change at any time and effective interest rates per annum


“Donations distributed from October 2022 – December 2023 amounted to Rp333,922,012, and each foundation received Rp166,961,006.”

Other News

Welcoming Christmas 2023, Bank Sampoerna Invited Foster Children of LKSA Fajar Baru to Enjoy TMII

The enthusiasm to welcome Christmas can be seen on the faces of the Fajar Baru Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) children, who are full of joy and warmth. Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna), together with its business partner KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati, Sampoerna Land, and Putera Sampoerna Foundation through a love-sharing program, held social activities at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

Sharing Iftar Package with Orphans and the Underprivileged 2022

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna and its strategic partners, KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati and Mekar held a donation program for orphans and the underprivileged to welcome Ramadan 1443 H. On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, the event was held at the Yatim and Duafa Yauma Dormitory (Dormitory Yauma), Paseban, Senen, Central Jakarta. The donations given consisted of iftar packages and relief funds of IDR 15,000,000.

Bank Sampoerna, KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati and Mekar Gives a Helping Hand to Children with Dual Disabilities

In the end of 2021, Bank Sampoerna collaborates with KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati and Mekar to hold a corporate social responsibility activity for Christmas. The bank paid a visit to Dwituna Rawinala Education Foundation, which is located in Pasar Rebo, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, on December 21, 2021. Henky Suryaputra and Adriana R. Novitasari, as well as several employees, were in attendance representing the bank. The event was also joined by Dwihardjo Sutarto, Executive Director of the foundation and Fr. Laurens Tueng OFM who gave a sermon. Beside of that, some of the bank’s employee also joined the event virtually via zoom.

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna and KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati Distributed 4,000 food packages through the Balai “Melati” Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna) and KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati through “Melati” center distributed 4,000 food packages. Food packages will be distributed to dozens of foundations and partners under the auspices of Balai Melati and the surrounding communities affected by Covid-19.

Bank Sampoerna Supports Indonesia Pasti Bisa to Provide oxygen supply

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna) supports Indonesia Pasti Bisa to assist hospitals in Indonesia in handling COVID-19 patients. The movement called Indonesia PASTI BISA (IDPB) Keep Oxygen, is a collaborative movement initiated by East Ventures. Through the donations collected, including Rp500 million from Bank Sampoerna, IDPB Jaga Oxygen has succeeded in distributing more than 1,000 oxygen concentrators to hospitals in Indonesia. Within 1 week since the fundraising began, IDPB Jaga Oxygen has sent 200 units of Oxygen to 33 hospitals in 10 provinces. 170 units oxygen have been received by 28 hospitals in 6 provinces. While the remaining 30 units of oxygen are still on their way to 5 hospitals in 5 provinces.