
Are you an employee or a professional starting a new business and \needs additional working capital but struggling to obtain financing from a bank or have previously faced credit issues or lengthy loan application processes?
Apply for a loan now, and we are ready to help you with a FAST process and easy document requirements.
We offer a special Probiz Program for Employees and Professionals (Expro) with Installment Loan (PA) and Overdraft Loans (PRK), to support your business development.

Benefits of Probiz Expro:

  1. Loan limits up to Rp5 billion with competitive interest rates and fees.
  2. Interest payments based on credit facility usage (specifically for PRK).
  3. Property collateral evaluation (residential houses, shophouses, apartments, business premises, factories, warehouses) minimum of 30% up to 60%.
  4. Fast and easy loan application process.


General Requirements:

  1. Applicants must be individuals working as employees or professionals with a minimum employment duration of 1 (one) year as a permanent employee. For professionals, provide relevant legal documents related to the profession and a minimum of 1 (one) year of professional experience.
  2. Submit a Letter of Employment.
  3. Minimum age requirement for loan application is 21 (twenty-one) years, or 18 (eighteen) years if married.
  4. Income Documentation (choose one):
    • Minimum of the last 3 (three) months’ payslips (if there are other sources of income, they can be included), or
    • Minimum of the last 3 (three) months’ savings/account statements (reflecting salary deposits), or
    • Employment letter detailing monthly salary, length of employment, and position, or
    • Income information as provided on the credit application form.< /li>
  5. Proof of collateral ownership in the form of:
    • HM, SHGB, SHMSRS (Strata Title) issued by the National Land Agency (BPN).
    • SPPT PBB and STTS (proof of payment) of the latest property tax.
    • Building Permit (IMB) or Cover Note from the Developer/City Planning Office/Notary.
  6. Collateral ownership can be in the applicant’s name or in the name of a third party (individual or company).
  7. Identity Documents:


    Type of Document (Photocopy) Individual
    ID Card (KTP)
    ID Card of Prospective Debtor’s Husband/Wife
    ID Card of Guarantor's ID Card and Guarantor's Spouse (if married)
    Family Card or Marriage Certificate or Divorce Certificate or Death Certificate/Certificate of prospective Debtor’s spouse (if married/divorced)
    Company Establishment Deed and Amendments (if there is additional income from a business entity)
    Personal Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) (for loan amounts starting from Rp50 million)
    Company Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) (for loan amounts starting from Rp50 million and if there is additional income from a business entity)
    Trade Business License (SIUP) / Company Registration Certificate (TDP) / Business Certificate (SKU) / Trader Identification Card / Trade License Certificate / Other Trader Identification Documentation (if there is additional income from a business entity).
    **Payslips and Bank Statements for at least the last 3 months, along with a Letter of Employment (detailing monthly salary, length of employment, and position).**


    Jenis Dokumen (Fotokopi) Perorangan
    Akta Pendirian Perusahaan dan perubahan perusahaan (jika terdapat tambahan penghasilan yang berasal dari badan usaha)
    NPWP Pribadi (untuk plafon mulai dari Rp50 juta)
    NPWP Perusahaan (untuk plafon mulai dari Rp50 juta dan jika terdapat tambahan penghasilan yang berasal dari badan usaha)
    Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP)/ Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP)/ Surat Keterangan Usaha (SKU)/ Kartu Tanda Pedagang/ Surat Keterangan Izin Berdagang/ Bukti Tanda Pengenal Pedagang lainnya (jika terdapat tambahan penghasilan berasal yang dari badan usaha).
    Slip Gaji dan Rekening Tabungan/ koran minimal 3 bulan terakhir dan Surat Keterangan Kerja (berisi jumlah gaji per bulan, lama bekerja, dan jabatan).