Need loan for various needs or working capital? Find difficulties to get financing from a bank? Have had an issue with bank’s loan? Your credit process in other bank was too long?

Bank Sampoerna is the SOLUTION. Apply for loan at Bank Sahabat Sampoerna. We help you QUICKLY with simple document requirement.

Bank Sampoerna provides ProBiz (Pro-Business) facility for whatever your needs, including your business development. The facility is given in the form of installment loan, fixed loan (PT), and current account loan.

Let’s use ProBiz!


ProBiz Advantages

  1. Loan amount:
    Business Period Loan Amount
    0 – 6 months 0 – IDR 1 billion
    > 6 months 0 – IDR 25 billion
  2. Competitive effective interest rate and provision amount
  3. Interest payment in accordance with the usage of loan facility
  4. Collateral may be in form of land and building’s certificate, or vehicle ownership ceritificate (BPKB). Free of appraisal fee*
  5. Quick process (5 working days) from the day documents are completely received

*terms and conditions applied.

General Requirements

  1. Applicant must be an employee (including civil servants), entrepreneur, professional or a business entity.
  2. One of these financial documents:
    Applicant Required Documents
    Employee (including civil servants), entrepreneur, or professional
    • The latest monthly salary slip, or
    • The latest 1 month of saving account statement (that reflects monthly income/ salary), or
    • Other valid proof of income (e.g. supplier agreement, contract, lease agreement)
    Legal Entity Loan Ceiling Required Document
    > IDR 5 billion
    • The latest 1 month of saving account/ current account statement (that reflects monthly income/ salary), or
    • Other valid proof of income (e.g. supplier agreement, contract, lease agreement)
    • The latest annual financial statements
    IDR 5 – 12 billion* The latest annual financial statements
    < IDR> The latest audited annual financial statements

    * The latest audited annual financial statements are required should they are obligated by the prevailing law.

  3. Business legal documents:
    • Business permit (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan/ SIUP), or
    • Business certificate (Surat Keterangan Usaha/ SKU) (for loan ceiling < IDR>
    • Merchant ID card (Surat Tanda Pedagang)/ trading permit (surat keterangan izin berdagang)/ proof of merchant ID (bukti tanda pengenal pedagang)
      Additional documents for legal entity applicants:
      • Certificate of Company Registration (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan/ TDP) and
      • Company domicile sertificate (Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan/ SKDP)/ business place permit (Surat Izin Tempat Usaha/ SITU)/ disturbance permit (HO)/ special business permit issued by the authority.
  4. Collateral ownership:
    Debtor Collateral owner*
    • Debtor
    • immediate family member (father/ mother/ spouse/ children)
    Legal Entity
    • Debtor
    • Management
    • Shareholder
    • Spouses of management or shareholder

    *for BPKB (Bukti Pemilikan Kendaraan Bermotor/ proof of ownership of motor vehicle) that is still under the name of other party may be used as a collateral as long as complimented with purchase receipt, copy of previous owner’s ID card, copy of STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan/ vehicle registration certificate), purchase invoice, letter of right transfer for BPKB under the name of a legal entity, and other documents deemed necessary.

  5. Collateral is located within 50 km from the nearest Bank Sampoerna.