
Newsletter of Hati Saving January-March 2024

23 April 2024 | News
Newsletter of Hati Saving January-March 2024

Dear Hati Saving Customers,

First of all, we wish all who celebrate Eid al-Fitr a happy 1445 H. May God Almighty always accept your deeds of worship on this auspicious occasion.

During January-March 2024, total donations collected through Hati Saving amounted to Rp79,437,730. This donation was distributed to Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation (YPAC) Jakarta and Sayap Ibu Foundation (YSI) Jakarta Branch, with each foundation receiving Rp39,718,865.

Bank Sampoerna would like to thank all Hati Saving customers who have faithfully saved their funds in Hati Saving and donated a portion of the interest to share with others and help people in need. Hopefully, these two foundations will be a source of goodness and benefit for all involved.

Hati Saving #ShareWithOthers

Smiles of Hope from Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation (YPAC) Jakarta

Name : Hany Putri S. R.
Gender : Female
Description of illness : Cerebral Palsy

Hany's touch impairment prevents her from touching delicate, thick, or jagged surfaces. If forced to feel, She will puke. Hany also has a tendency to chuck things when she is uncomfortable with the texture of the item she is touching. Her tactile difficulty makes it difficult for her to eat, choose clothing, and participate in classroom activities.

Hany's occupational therapy activities enhance tactile conditions, fine motor abilities, and attentiveness with the hope that in the future, she will be able to hold varied textures comfortably and be able to do activities well at school.

Smiles of Hope from Sayap Ibu Foundation (YSI) Jakarta Branch

Name : Nindy
Gender : Female
Description of illness : Speech Delay

Nindy has lived at YSI Jakarta since February 28, 2022. Despite developmental deficits as a newborn, particularly in crawling, standing, and walking, Nindy is a physically healthy youngster. Nindy is currently suffering delays in speaking and gross motor movements, necessitating intense speech, sensory integration, and occupational therapy treatments. Nindy's ability to respond and talk fluently improved after therapy.

Simulation of Interest Calculation and Hati Saving Donations

Balance of Savings % Interest p.a.* % Donation p.a.* Interest Amount per month** Donation Amount per month
Rp10,000,000 0.50% 2.50% Rp3,288 Rp20,548
Rp50,000,000 0.50% 2.50% Rp16,438 Rp102,740
Rp100,000,000 1.25% 2.50% Rp82,192 Rp205,479
Rp500,000,000 1.25% 2.50% Rp410,959 Rp1,027,397


Hati Saving Interest Rates*

Balance of Savings Total Interest % Interest p.a. % Donation p.a.
Rp500thousand - <100million 3.00% 0.50% 2.50%
≥Rp100million 3.75% 1.25% 2.50%
*The simulation was made based on the interest rate that has been effective since May 22, 2023 Effective interest rates per annum, subject to change at any time
**Net of income tax

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