Product & Service

Hati Saving Account

Express your care for children with disabilities. Part of your interest will be donated through Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation Jakarta (YPAC) and Sayap Ibu Foundation Jakarta Branch (YSI), while you will still get a competitive interest rate.

  • You will receive competitive interest income even after the donation that you made
  • Donation are reported periodically & openly
  • Interest rate are calculated based on daily balance
  • Free admin fee and ATM fee 
  • Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation (YPAC) and Sayap Ibu Foundation Jakarta Branch (YSI)
  • There is no minumum initial deposit for Tabungan Hati account opened through Sampoerna Mobile Banking (SMB)

Illustration of interest received and donation made for balance at Tabungan Hati*.

Balance of Savings % Interest** % Donation** Interest Amount per month*** Donation Amount per month
Rp10 million 0.50% 2.50% Rp3,288 Rp20,548
Rp50 million 0.50% 2.50% Rp16,438 Rp102,740
Rp100 million 1.25% 2.50% Rp82,192 Rp205,479
Rp500 million 1.25% 2.50% Rp410,959 Rp1,027,397

*This illustration was made based on the interest rate that are effective since 22nd May 2023
**Effective interest rates per annum, subject to change at any time
***Net of income tax

Interest Rates*

Balance of Savings Total Interest Rate* Interest Received Donation
Rp500 thousand < Rp 100 million 3.00% 0.50% 2.50%
≥ Rp100 million 3.75% 1.25% 2.50%

*Effective on 22nd May 2023, it may change at any time.

Cost Terms

Monthly fee administration & ATM Free
Bank Sampoerna’s ATM Cash withdrawal fee a Free
Others Bank ATM Cash withdrawal fee a Free 30x/month
Transfer to Bank Sampoerna Free
Interbank transfer fee  
Through ATM Bank Sampoerna’s ATM & Other banks’ ATM IDR 6,500
Through MB/ IB/ Counter  
Realtime-Online IDR 6,500
RTGS IB: IDR 25,000
Counter: IDR 30,000
BI-Fast IDR 2,500
Balance Inquiry  
ATM Bank Sampoerna/IB/MB/Counter Free
Other Bank's ATM a IDR 4,000
Other administrative fee  
Account opening & ATM Card issuance Free
Account closing & IB Token b Free
Replacement cost  
ATM Card  IDR 30,000
IB Token IDR 500,000

Minimum balance & transaction limit

Minimum opening balance IDR 500,000
Transaction limit (per day)  
Through ATM  
Cash withdrawal IDR 10 million
Inter accounts transfer within Bank Sampoerna IDR 50 million
Inter bank transfer IDR 25 million
Through Mobile Banking  
Inter Accounts Transfer within Bank Sampoerna IDR 100 million
Inter Bank Transfer – limit per day IDR 50 million
BI-Fast Transfer IDR 250 million
Through Internet Banking  
Inter Accounts Transfer within Bank Sampoerna IDR 250 million
Inter Bank Transfer IDR 100 million
BI-Fast Transfer IDR 250 million

(a). ATMs with the GPN/PRIMA/BERSAMA logo, including BRI, BCA, Bank Mandiri, etc.
(b). with a minimum balance of IDR 5 million.
*terms can change at any time.


Newsletter of Hati Saving January - March 2024
25 February 2025
Thank you for your sincerity in donating to Hati Saving Bank Sahabat Sampoerna in 2024. Your care and generosity have provided genuine hope and transformation to individuals in need. May we all be blessed with health, happiness, and success. [read more]
Newsletter of Hati Saving Juli-September 2024
11 October 2024
On October 10th, we commemorate World Mental Health Day, an important moment reminding us of equal access to mental health services without discrimination. World Mental Health Day is not only about awareness but also about action. Through this moment, we would like to thank you all who until now have continued to faithfully help and provide your care through donations [read more]
Newsletter of Hati Saving April-June 2024
16 July 2024
Bank Sampoerna would like to thank all Hati Saving customers who faithfully saved their funds in Hati Saving and donated a portion of the interest to share with others and help people in need. Hopefully, these two foundations will benefit all involved.[read more]
Newsletter of Hati Saving January-March 2024
23 April 2024
Bank Sampoerna would like to thank all Hati Saving customers who have faithfully saved their funds in Hati Saving and donated a portion of the interest to share with others and help people in need. Hopefully, these two foundations will be a source of goodness and benefit for all involved.[read more]
Newsletter of Hati Saving December 2023 Period
24 January 2024
As stated in the previous edition of the newsletter, Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna) collaborates with Pembinaan Anak Cacat Foundation (YPAC) Jakarta and Sayap Ibu Foundation Jakarta Branch (YSI) to distribute Hati Saving donations. [read more]
The Celebration of Indonesian Independence Day at Wisma Kasih Bunda with Tabungan Hati
16 September 2020
Despite Elisabeth Hospital has not been able to provide surgery for hydrocephalus patients because complying with the safety protocols in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic, Wisma Kasih Bunda still holds fast to social activities [read more]
Sharing During Pandemic
9 Juli 2020
Covid-19 pandemic which has plagued Indonesia since the beginning of March 2020 presents a huge challenge for the public. This is not a barrier for Wisma Kasih Bunda to continue carrying out social actions. [read more]
The Sweet Smile of a Little Girl
5 Juni 2020
This little girl named Ivana has a disorder she suffered from birth. Ivana, who is not even 2 years old physically has different head circumference than children her age. Enlarged head circumference is known in [read more]
The Beautiful Smile of The Lovely Baby
5 Juni 2020
A little smile has begun to show from the tiny lips of this 3-year-old boy. At first it was difficult for him to defecate as he had to go through a stomach colostomy, but now [read more]
Smile of Hope from Wisma Kasih Bunda
8 Agustus 2018
Muhamad Keyzan Junior – At the age of 11 months, this toddler smiles cheerfully even though he has a hydrocephalus. A smile that always adorns from day to day does not show the pain he [read more]