JAKARTA, March 2022 – Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (“Bank Sampoerna”) held a training titled “#Sahabat1000Guru” to improve teachers’ competence and expand opportunities for teachers’ career advancement. The training is delivered online via the Guru Binar platform. Up to 1000 teachers from nearly 100 schools will attend this training. These schools include those run by the Cikini College Foundation and the Mulia Wacana Foundation in Bandung and SMAN 72 Jakarta, SMKN 41 Jakarta, Malahayati Islamic Vocational, and Ignatius Slamet Riyadi Junior High School.
“Due to the protracted Covid-19 pandemic, many teaching and learning activities have been conducted online. The online learning process differs greatly from face-to-face learning. As a result, it is very appropriate for Bank Sampoerna to conduct teacher training to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities,” said Henky Suryaputra, Director of Finance and Business Planning at Bank Sampoerna.
This training program is run in collaboration with Guru Binar. Providing training materials developed according to the needs of teachers, Guru Binar is the first online teacher professional development platform in Indonesia.
Through Guru Binar, the trainee teachers have the freedom to choose the training module they feel is most needed and choose the training time according to their respective activities. Each module requires different hours of training and deadlines for completion. A certificate issued by the Guru Binar and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology will be awarded to each teacher who completes the training within the given timeframe.
A series of outreach activities and training mechanism presentations were conducted at various schools to support #Sahabat1000Guru, both offline and online. On March 11, 2022, one of these socialization activities was conducted virtually. Putoyo HS as Head of the East Jakarta Regional II Education Sub-dept. Sapto Riyadi as Head of the Regional Basic and Extraordinary Education Section. II East Jakarta, Gina and Elnandha as representatives of Guru Binar, and Ridy Sudarma as Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Bank Sampoerna were all present at the event.
“Hopefully, this training will improve teacher competence, which will directly improve the quality of the teaching-learning process and our education,” said Ridy Sudarma in front of the socialization participants virtually.