Product & Service

#HER Cash Solution

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna provides fast, precise, and easy solutions for women's various business needs.

Product Information

  • Current Account Ceiling Facility (PRK) with advantages:
    • - Can be used as needed
    • - You only have to pay monthly interest based on the fund you used
    • - Revolving principal payments
  • Quick process and simple document requirements
  • Collateral in the form of shophouses, houses, apartments, and warehouses.
  • Effective interest rates and competitive provision fee
  • Loan Plafond starts from Rp200 million to Rp5 billion


General Requirements

  1. Employees (including civil servants), entrepreneurs, professionals, or business entities.
  2. Business Documents
    • Employees are proven by Certificate of Work, salary slip and payroll account
    • If self-employed is proven by NIB on behalf of the debtor (female)
  3. One of the financial documents:
    Applicant Required Documents
    (including civil servants), entrepreneurs, or professionals
    • Payslip for the last 1 (one) month, or
    • Savings account for the last 1 (one) month (reflecting income/salary per month), or
    • Other valid proof of income (for example: supplier agreement, SPK, rental agreement)
    Business Entitiy
    • Savings account/current account for the last 1 (one) month (reflecting monthly income), or
    • Other valid proof of income (for example: supplier agreement, SPK, lease agreement), or
    • Financial Statements for the last 1 (one) year
  4. Business Legality Documents:
    1. SIUP, or
    2. SKU (for Loan application > Rp1,5 Billion) or,
    3. Kartu Tanda Pedagang/ Surat Keterangan Izin Berdagang/ Bukti Tanda Pengenal Pedagang Tambahan, Documents for submission by a business entitiy:
    4. Documents for Business Entity Loan Application: SKDP/ SITU/ HO/ format of a special business license issued by the authorities.
  5. Collateral Ownership
    Debtor Collateral Ownership
    • Debtor, or
    • One Degree Family (father/mother/husband/wife/child)
    Business Entity
    • Debtor, or
    • Manager, or
    • Shareholder, or
    • Husband/wife from managers or shareholder
  6. The Location of the Collateral is within a radius of 50 KM from the nearest branch of Bank Sahabat Sampoerna. For more information, please contact Official WhatsApp 0812-5185-5234