News Remarks The Second Anniversary and Continue to Help MSMEs in Indonesia

01 December 2020 | News Remarks The Second Anniversary and Continue to Help MSMEs in Indonesia

To commemorate the two years of existence of, Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna) held a Virtual Conference with journalists and Bank Sampoerna employees. This celebration takes “2 Years Has Passed, Continues to Provide Loan Facilities and Help MSMEs” as a theme. Bank Sampoerna were represented by Mr.Rudy Mahasin as Director of Micro Businesses, Mrs. Irma Savitry Daulay as Head of Credit and Collections, and Christian Andreas as Lending Center Head Bank Sampoerna who shares the achievement and future strategies.

Mrs. Irma Savitri Daulay said that for 2 years, Bank Sampoerna through its advanced website platforms, were promoting MSMEs and business people to thrive on their business. In the midst of crisis and economic uncertainty in Indonesia, promised to continue giving loans to business people who need it.

“Since November 2018, has provided loans of 582.2 billion to 541 borrowers. By October 2020, has distributed loans with a total of 174 billion to 222 borrowers.” said Mrs. Irma during a press conference which was held virtually.

Additionally, Mr. Rudy Mahasin states that has reached out to more cities than last year. Prospective borrowers in Medan, Pekanbaru, Bandung, Surabaya, and Makassar could access loan applications though directly or assisted by our business partners.

Bank Sampoerna is looking for cooperation with the workforce or people who may be affected by the economy so that they were laid off. offers a business partner program which help people to earn additional income by recommending to prospective borrowers until they take the loans. Currently has maintained hundreds of business partners in order to penetrate the market and become the contact point between and prospective borrowers.

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