Product & Service

Rural Cooperative Loan


This is working capital or investment loan for rural cooperative (Koperasi Unit Desa/ KUD). As working capital loan, the loan to be channeled to members of the KUD (under executing scheme), to help them purchase fertilizers and other needs.

As investment, the loan can be used for the purchase of productive assets such as vehicles and productive land and other investment needs.


  • Type of Facility: Installment Loans
  • Loan maturity period is up to 5 years plus the Availability Period.
  • Availability period is 6 months.
  • Maximum loan is IDR 10 billion with maximum loan to each member is IDR 50 million.


  • The KUD must have run its business for a minimum of 3 years.
  • The KUD has a contract with a palm oil company/plant for a minimum period of 5 years.
  • Having legal status as Cooperative including business operation license.
  • Copy of Annual Members Meeting Report (Rapat Anggota Tahunan/RAT) for the last 2 years.
  • Copy of recommendation letter from a partner company of Bank Sampoerna.